Ian McAnulla – Political Cartoons

Ian McAnulla was the guest speaker at Ayr Rotary Club last Tuesday. Ian’s speciality is political cartoons and using many amusing slide examples he showed his interested and inquisitive audience the hidden meanings behind popular and cleverly framed drawings. He explained that more than just the lampooning of ... More

Alex Blair on Admiral Lord Cochrane

PDG Alex Blair is a past president of "Largs and North Ayrshire Family History Society". He was also the Editor of the society's magazine for a number of years and is currently President of Hunterston Rotary Club,  "Admiral Lord Cochrane, Earl of Dundonald” was his presentation to Ayr Rotary Club. Thomas Cochrane, ... More

Perth Annual Rotary Bonspiel

Rink Ayr 1, comprising Bob Cherry, David McIntyre, David Hope and Skip Ewan Lawrence and rink Ayr 2 comprising Ronnie Wilson, Paul Williams, Douglas Haddow and Skip Alex Thomson travelled to Perth on Wednesday 28th February for a 10.30 start; preceded by the obligatory roll with delicious filling and tea/coffee. Throu... More

Foundation and Safeguarding

Our recent guest speaker was Fellow Rotarian John Waddell, District Foundation Officer and Olive Geddes, on Safeguarding and Foundation Issues. John joined Rotary 24 years ago and has been very much involved with youth projects, held many offices, including District Secretary, District Governor, Chair and Area Foundat... More

Coylton Primary School, Penny Playground Project

Taken at Coylton Primary School in December, the photographs show activities during Ayr Rotary's Aquabox presentation. Each child was asked to bring a "penny" which was then placed on the playground in a large circle to demonstrate miles which  children have to walk in some countries, just to fetch water. The ... More

Christmas Party Night

A good time was had by all at the St Nicholas Golf Club Christmas night during December. Bon homme and amusing chatter resounded at all tables. Wellington School Senior musicians entertained us with traditional Christmas tunes. More

Ayrshire Chamber of Commerce

We welcomed our guest speakers Claire Baird and Gillian Longmuir from the Ayrshire Chamber of Commerce, who kindly agreed to provide a talk on the ‘Chamber’s Challenges and Support for Young People in Ayrshire’. Claire is the current CEO of the Ayrshire Chamber of Commerce and Industry, and Co-Vice Chair ... More

Rotary Youth Speaks Competition

Seven school teams entered the Rotary Club Youth Speaks competition held at Belmont School recently. Belmont Academy, Kyle Academy, Queen Margaret and Wellington School each represented the seniors category, which is for ages 14 to 17, with Kyle submitting two teams. The other intermediate category, for 11 to 14 years of ... More

The Modern Apprenticeship Framework – Growing Tomorrow’s Engineers

Ged Freel delivered a passionate talk on the benefits of apprenticeships, at our meeting in the Savoy Park Hotel, on 21 November 2023. Ged was brought up in Ayrshire and graduated in Mathematics from Glasgow University in 1989. In 1994, he became a lecturer at Kilmarnock College, lecturing in Maths, Physics, ... More

The Future of Ayr’s Station Hotel

Our guest speaker Mike Newall, South Ayrshire Council’s incoming Chief Executive Officer who kindly agreed to provide a talk on the ‘Future of Ayr’s Station Hotel, which, experienced an unexpected event recently. Also, Hugh Talbot, the Council’s Buildings Standard Co-Ordinator, who accompanied Mike. Mike has ... More