Tuesday 19th July, Mick Roebuck from OiR

Mick Roebuck President Harry

Mick Roebuck with President Harry

OiR (opportunities in Retirement) Ayr is a hub for the over-50s in Ayrshire (and some members even come from further afield) explained Mick Roebuck at Tuesday’s Ayr Rotary Club meeting. He said they have a rich and proud history, and will continue to evolve through members’ vital contributions, together with members’ quarterly newsletter.

Retirement age is when a person chooses to retire and most people can now work as long as they need to (or want to). Some choose to work out of necessity, or because they enjoy their workplace and the friends they’ve made whilst working. Many give up work to look after grandchildren, care for an elderly parent, or spouse, friend or relative and would like or need some other form of outside interest, if only for a few hours a week.

Mick continued, people might just find a slot in the day where they would enjoy meeting new people, doing something useful, interesting, cultured, therapeutic or healthy as a beneficial way of socialising. All that and more is available, when becoming a member of OiR Ayr. Members receive a quarterly newsletter which they may choose to have sent by email or delivered to your home by one of our volunteers. The extensive range of activities on offer through OiR and the 130 plus members, surprised Mick’s attentive audience. Ieuan Isaac gave the vote of thanks.
