Tuesday 15th March, Trains of My Youth, Graham McLachlan

Secretary Craig, President Douglas, Jim Nelson & Graham McLachlan

Secretary Craig, President Douglas, Jim Nelson & Graham McLachlan

Graham McLachlan attended the Club on 15th March 2016 and gave a fascinating talk on his lifelong interest in trains and railways.

The Club were very impressed when he mentioned meeting the Duchess of Atholl and Lady Patricia, although these were not titled ladies but instead the names of two of the many thousands of trains he has “spotted” since boyhood. He recalled fondly his childhood in Renfrew including journeys to stations near and far, some as part of summer holidays or BB camp. Despite being involved in a rail accident at Stobcross Tunnel in 1951 he became a self confessed “anorak” for all trains – steam, diesel or electric.

He encouraged the Club to visit the Scottish Industrial Railway Centre at Dunaskin near Patna on the site of the former Dalmellington Iron Company where he is an occasional guard. The vote of thanks was proposed by Jim Nelson.
