Treasure Chest Award goes to Poppi McKay – 28 Oct 2022

Bubbly and personable 18-year-old Poppi Mackay is the latest beneficiary of a £250 grant from our popular Treasure Chest fund. The Club has £250 to award each month to deserving local charitable causes or individuals and can assist with schemes and activities which can demonstrate real benefit from this support.

Poppi, a former pupil of Forehill Primary School and Knightswood Academy in Glasgow, has a passion for dancing, acting, and the performing arts generally. Throughout her school years she has performed in many different theatres and productions including pantomime at Ayr Gaiety. Since completing a four-year Musical Theatre Course while at Knightswood Academy, Poppi has secured a place at the illustrious drama school Italia Conti in Woking, Greater London. Italia Conti is the leading Performing Arts institution in the country; with a reputation built up over the 110 years since it was founded.

Paul Williams, community convenor, presented the cheque to Poppi at her home in Ayr in front of her proud mum, Carol, who runs the New Road Academy of Dance. Poppi said that the grant was extremely important in assisting her to follow her dream having encountered a long list of unexpected and potentially prohibitive, additional expenses. The money would enable her to engage fully in important college activities and, ever resourceful, Poppi has also found a weekend job which will go towards meeting her living expenses.

Paul congratulated Poppi on her efforts  and hoped that she would one day come to one of our club meetings to let the members know how her goals were being met.
