The ARK Project – 23 July 2019

The Ayr Ark is a youth project situated down by the Citadel in Ayr and was originally established through an initiative of twelve local, partner churches.  It aims to provide a safe alternative to the many peer pressures that young people are faced with by running diversionary events in an alcohol-free, night-club setting. Matt Grant, an experienced youth worker, supported by assistant youth worker Samantha, gave the members an insight into the project and the huge benefits it brings to the young people of Ayr. A small core staff, assisted by able, young volunteers, make up a team of around twenty to deliver an alternative to potential drinking, drug-taking and vandalism.

The project is aimed at those secondary school pupils who are most at risk and a small core staff, assisted by able, young volunteers, make up a team of around twenty to deliver an alternative to potential drinking, drug-taking and vandalism.

Matt enthusiastically described how the Friday night club provides a safe, atttractive environment for young people to meet, talk, listen to live music and generally have a good time. Not only that, but by encouraging youngsters to participate in responsible working roles which contribute to the running of the club, they can build self-confidence and a basic cv which could assist in job-seeking efforts. The Ark workers  are also able to provide basic mentoring support to youngsters who are experiencing personal difficulties at home or school.

As with all charities, The Ark is dependent on funds in order to continue working with the young people of Ayrshire. Whereas some of the funding comes from operations and events, the majority of revenue has to be raised from various grants and trusts. To find out more about the ARK, or to donate, visit .

Alistair Tyre gave the vote of thanks to Matt and complimented him on the excellent clarity of his presentation.

Alistair, Samantha, Matt & president Ieuan
