Scottish-themed Quiz for Burns Night – 25 January 2022

The big question was “what could we substitute for the covid-cancelled, traditional club Burns Supper?” And the answer was “a virtual Scottish quiz set by a Welshman!”. Earlier fears were confirmed when the official answer given for the date of the Union of the the Crowns was 1707 and not the correct 1603. This cue for derision amongst the ranks was followed by a humble (grovelling?) apology from the quizmaster.

Apart from that single misfortune, and an introduction which focussed more on Dylan Thomas(?) than Robert Burns, Ieuan Isaac had set an excellent and entertaining quiz with seven diverse sections including Burns’s life, notable castles, birds of prey and our own Ayrshire Coastal Path.

This writer’s expectations were high with a score of 50 but these turned to disappointment when Alex Thomson, once he managed to unmute himself, announced a score of 51 to claim first place.
