Rosie Eggo – Dalmilling 1 to 7 Club

Last year the club’s Treasure Chest made a £200 donation to ‘Thegither’ project run by North Ayr Parish Grouping, consisting of Ayr St. Quivox Church, Ayr St. James Church, Newton Wallacetown Church and Lochside Church. This was to help establish an after-school club to educate and entertain young children, a project which was led by Development/Family Worker, Rosie Eggo, who came to our club meeting to give us an update on the project.

Rosie told us that the Rotary donation had been instrumental in providing games and craft equipment for the youngsters and that most weekdays around 25 children took advantage of the opportunity to come along and play. Fun and learning were what the project was all about and the leaders were admirable role models for the kids.

Rosie thanked the club for its assistance in setting up the worthwhile and successful initiative.
