Reasons to join Rotary
The Opportunity to Serve. Rotary is a service club, and when you become a member you can give something back to the community. Rotarians provide service to both local and international communities.
Friendship. It is one of the reasons Rotary began in 1905, and is the essence of the movement today.
Leadership Development. Rotary is an organisation of successful leaders. We want people who are prepared to drive projects forward.
Worldwide clubs. Every Rotarian wears a pin that says ‘Rotary International’. There are few places in the world without a Rotary club. Drop in to a meeting when you travel around and you will be made very welcome.
Prestige. Rotary members are prominent business and professional people.
Fun! Rotary is a lot of fun.
Still not sure about the Rotary Club of Ayr?
Why not come along to a meeting or alternatively contact the Rotary Club of Ayr team. You will be assured of a warm welcome from members who can explain how Rotary has affected their lives!