Poppy Appeal

Ayr Poppy Appeal goes from strength to strength


Paul Williams

Rotarian Paul Williams is the man in charge. Paul (pictured) has run the Appeal for the last few years. Please contact him on paulgwilliams39@gmail.com.
The Rotary club of Ayr was approached by Poppy Scotland in 2010. The Poppy Appeal in Ayr was in difficulty, the Area Organiser was leaving and the number of volunteers had fallen. Over the years the Rotary Club, initially led by Rotarian Geoff Barber, has been successful in involving more and more local community organisations in the appeal. Those involved have included the Army Cadet Force, Ayr Inner Wheel Club, The Lions Club of Ayr and Prestwick, the Sea Cadets, the Air Cadets, the Boys Brigade, St Columba Scouts and the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. There are also many individual volunteers. We are very keen to involve more community groups in this important charity work and all who might wish to become involved should make contact through the Contact Form or contact Paul direct.

With Poppy cans distributed to most Ayr businesses, schools, colleges, churches and hospitals, with collections at the supermarkets for two weeks and street collections on the two weekends before Remembrance Sunday it is hard for anybody to avoid making a donation.
