Louise Wright – Memories are better than Dreams – 25th July 2017

Louise, a paediatric nurse at Crosshouse Hospital, explained why there was a need for this new charity. In the course of their work, she and her colleagues were influenced by families who did not have the means to create a lasting memory of their late child. Totally independent from their normal work at the hospital, the charity helps families at their time of need and helps to make memories for them. These memories can take many forms and Louise, along with her three colleagues liaise with the families to agree the most appropriate memory for them. Memories are better than Dreams helps children with life-limiting illness and their families across Ayrshire and Arran.

Louise said that every year a number of children die in Ayrshire and Arran leaving their families devastated. The charity’s aim is to help these families make special memories with their children towards the end of their life and following their death. Having a child with a long term illness places considerable stress and financial strain on families which can make it very difficult for them to provide the opportunities for memory-making.
Memories are Better than Dreams  funds, for example, memory- making activities, headstones for the child, benches, special memory boxes or memorial jewellery. The help given will be individual to each family and will be tailored to fulfil their wishes.

To support her presentation, Louise played three heart-wrenching, emotional films of families who have benefited from the charity’s support. During questions after her talk, Louise confirmed that although she is a professional, it is difficult to be emotionally detached from the each of the cases. (Dr) Neil Beattie gave the vote of thanks and complimented Louise on her enthusiasm and passion for this worthwhile charity.
