In Memory of John Dunlop
It was with great sadness that we learned at the weekend of the passing of one of our good friends, Pathminder and Ayr Rotarian John Dunlop, who was very active in both capacities until he became ill last year following the diagnosis of a brain tumour. Despite this he remained keenly interested, and followed our our activities till recently when his condition deteriorated and he was admitted for Hospice care.
John was a big man, not only physically – which was very handy on the Coastal Path – but also in his personality, drive, energy, and vision during his professional life as CEO of many large companies and organisations – including the Scottish Football Association – and he did not suffer fools gladly. A native of Ayr, he had much wider, imaginative and clear-sighted visions for the regeneration of his county town, than the mediocre, piecemeal, solutions being offered up by the local councils – and as such he was often a thorn in the flesh of those in authority. It is a great shame that his last illness cut short his visionary plans for Ayr, which were beginning to gather interest and momentum.
And we’ll miss his company and banter on our work-party piece breaks.
Our thoughts and sympathy are with his wife Irene and his family at this sad time.