High Street Aquabox Event – 20 July 2019


Last Saturday, the club set up a stand in the High Street to show passers-by how the club was helping to save lives in disaster-hit areas around the world. Aquabox is a charity that supplies emergency aid through water purification. It has been in existence since 1992, is run solely by volunteer staff, mainly Rotarians, and is based in Derby in England.  Ayr Rotary Club recognised the huge importance of providing purified water to communities suffering in the aftermath of major disasters and, three years ago, adopted Aquabox as one of our major ongoing projects.

Blessed with a wonderful, warm, sunny day, shoppers in the busy High Street were intrigued by the simplicity of the purifying aqua-pump and the efforts being made to send Aquaboxes containing a selection of essential, basic items such as blankets and clothing along with the water-purification device to those hard-hit places. Many people stopping to view the aqua-pump demonstration kindly gave donations to assist the club in funding such vital work. A total of £ 227.36 was raised.

The club intends to put on a similar event on Saturday 10 August, this time at Ayr Central.

Full marks to all who turned out to help but especially to Douglas Haddow, whose idea it was, and who put in so much effort.
