Do our donations really help?
If you ever wonder whether our fund-raising efforts are worthwhile, read this report from Rotary Club of Limbe, in Malawi.
Ayr Rotary sent £500 in February 2015, which was half of the total amount Limbe used to achieve the following. Money goes a long way in Africa…
Fellow Rotarians,
This is to give you an update on our response to the crises as a result of the heavy floods. Thanks to the compassion and generosity of all Kuunika supporters, including Rotary Club of Ayr, we have been able to provide urgently needed help to those flood victims in the Kuunika catchment area that have been most affected, as identified by a panel of Kuunika members, the Village Development Committees and local leaders.
Chief Suya (one of the Kuunika trustees), Chief Mwachande, seven community and church leaders, and a representative from the Social Welfare office of Blantyre District officiated the distribution of the following supplies (please see attached photos):
- 200 households received chlorine for the prevention of cholera and other waterborne diseases
- 100 households received buckets for water storage and 10 metre plastic sheets to repair their houses/huts and build temporary toilets
- 200 households have received food aid, including 15 kg maize flour and 2 kg beans each
- 80 households have benefited from the malaria control project, including indoor-residual spraying, because the standing water is a breeding ground for mosquitoes. Kuunika has also purchased medications for malaria treatment, as these are currently difficult to obtain from public clinics and hospitals, where patients are asked to purchase them from private pharmacies.
Unfortunately, many more victims came to Kuunika asking for help, but had to leave empty-handed. We will therefore continue our efforts to raise further funds for flood relief, but we will also need to ensure that we have sufficient remaining funds to be able to purchase staple foods for our orphans in advance for the coming 12 months, as soon as the harvest season begins in about one month. This will be necessary, because in many places crops were affected by the floods, and high maize prices and food shortages throughout the coming year are expected…
Thanking you very much again on behalf of all Kuunika volunteers, children and their communities.
Best regards. Rajesh