District Conference Report September 2017

President Craig and John showing the TrumpTurnberry photo

President Craig & John showing the Paul Harris clip

The main highlight of this month was the 1230 District Conference, which was attended by President Craig Wilson with Douglas Haddow, John Ewing and President elect, Colin Vooght. An enjoyable time was had by all. There were very many inspiring presentations including Ruth Davidson, the Very Rev. Lorna E Hood and Cumnock Interact Club to name but a few. On the Saturday afternoon of the conference, President Craig and John presented the Paul Harris / Robert Burns story which was very well received. Of special note was the talk by Frank Arnold of District 1160, who highlighted the importance of ensuring we look after existing members as well as look for new members. The evening entertainment was delivered by the hilarious afterdinner speaker, retired Chief Superindendent, Iain Gordon and the equally talented and amusing Fabba ABBA. Next year’s conference will be held in the Golden Lion Hotel, Stirling
