Charity Quiz Night Success – 15 November 2019

The Horizon Hotel was abuzz last Friday as members and guests assembled for our fund-raising charity quiz in aid of the local Parkinson’s group and Samuel’s Smile charity for kids with rare diseases.

We were dazzled by organisers Hazel McCully and John Dunlop; not by their general knowledge but by their spectacularly colourful outfits. For some inexplicable reason John had donned a pink wig and clashing, orange, Fijian smock and went around encouraging people to shout “BULA” at him. Hazel was only slightly more subdued in both dress and volume.

After the informal meeting and greeting protocols we got down to the real business and with 14 teams seated and raring to go, the quizmasters unleashed their taxing questions with no respect for the diminished power of recall of most of their victims. After seven gruelling rounds involving the strategic purchasing (for charitable purposes) of wild card jokers (doubling of points for that round) the winning team were announced – Prestwick Rotary Club took the honours.

Following a superb buffet provided by the Horizon Hotel staff, we proceeded to the raffle which was administered by Hazel, assisted by her daughter Danielle. Then came the charity auction with auctioneer John Dunlop doing his utmost to encourage bidders to part with even more of their cash.

All-in-all this was a tremendous evening and particularly so for the two charities who will share the pot of over £1000. Well done to the organisers, the hotel staff, those who kindly donated prizes and most of all to all those who participated.
