Willie Stewart’s Christnas Quiz

On 17 December 2024, Willie Stewart presented his well-kown style of quiz, having done it for over twenty years. The wide range of questions tripped up most people, but the star of the evening was Brian Hignett. Brian is pictured receiving a fine bottle of wine from President Colin. More

Visit to UPM Caledonian Paper Mill 24 Sept 2024

Fourteen members attended a fantastic visit to UPM Caledonian Paper Mill in Irvine today. An interesting talk from Andy Johnston, development manager, followed by a tour of the mill. The scale is colossal, with the 400m production line, turning wood pulp into paper. Enormous rollers compress and dry the paper onto 8 metre ... More

Burns Supper 23 January 2024

An excellent Burns Supper was held in the Horizon Hotel on Tuesday 23 January 2024. The haggis was piped in and addressed by Jimmy Begg in his usual flawless style. Gordon McKinlay, a past Captain and Past President of Prestwick St Nicholas Golf Club and well known in the local amateur operatic society, proposed the ... More

Christmas Party Night

A good time was had by all at the St Nicholas Golf Club Christmas night during December. Bon homme and amusing chatter resounded at all tables. Wellington School Senior musicians entertained us with traditional Christmas tunes. More

Clowning Around

Zippos Circus performers pose with Rotarians Alan Meikle, Alex Thomson and Assistant District Governor Hazel McCulley. Local charities will now benefit from a total exit collection of £407 which was donated by generous patrons at each performance when the circus was in town. More

Ayr Show Festival of Flight Launch

South Ayrshire Council launched their Festival of Flight on Friday evening 2nd February. Ayr Rotary Club were complemented to have been invited to this event. Jim Nelson and Douglas Haddow enjoyed the hospitality and convivial atmosphere which pervaded the table conversations. The air show which is being held at the ... More

Burns Supper Night

The Rotary Club of Ayr hosted a Burns Night on Tuesday 24th January, attended by members, family and friends. A huge thanks to Douglas Haddow for organising the whole event, and to all those who spoke and performed on the night. 13 year old piper Adam greeted everyone as they arrived at the Savoy Park Hotel for the ... More

Organist Entertains at Ayr Town Hall

Rotarians and partners were thoroughly entertained at this week’s organist entertains recital. Calum Robertson, an Edinburgh based clarinettist, organist and choral conductor, masterfully played the Town Hall Lewis Organ, with renditions from all female composers, to the delight of the Monday lunchtime audience. In ... More

Currie & Quiz Evening – 9 Sept ‘22

Four determined teams battled it out at the Horizon hotel for the glory of picking up a few bottles of plonk and the associated kudos from winning this prestigious event. Well, only three teams battled since this writer’s team were left so far behind they may as well not have turned up. Still, they did get a packet ... More

Return of our annual croquet day

On a beautiful Saturday afternoon in the Savoy Park gardens, our annual croquet day made a welcome return. The experts, Neil and John Laughland were in attendance, but without the feared Paul Williams who had to pull out at the last moment. During the titanic struggle which included "lucky" shots, magnificent strokes and ... More