Youth Speaks Competition

  The topic from Kyle 1 - The Olympics under scrutiny The topic from Kyle 2 - Pros and Cons of Historical Statues The topic from Belmont - Dancers are stronger than athletes After careful deliberation and consideration, the three judges comprised of Eileen Haddow, Esther Gordon and Paul ... More

Salvation Army Food Bank Update

The Salvation Army Food Bank is one of the charities Ayr Rotary support with on-going donations throughout the year. In October their stocks had run particularly low, and a plea was put out to members to make a special cash donation to allow the organiser to buy the most needed supplies. A great response resulted in ... More

Prestwick Rotary Club – Nostalgia Cases

Five members of our friends at Prestwick Rotary Club came along to our meeting this week to inform and amuse us with their “nostalgia cases”. This brilliant idea was the brainchild of the Prestwick club as a means of stimulating memories of the past in the minds of local care home residents. The term “nostalgia” ... More

Harbour Ayrshire – David Booth

David Booth is founder and trustee of Harbour Ayrshire, a registered charity providing ‘shelter from the storm of addiction’ and dedicated to helping individuals recover from drug and alcohol dependency and its terrible, associated affects. David delivered a short but well-crafted presentation in a succinct and easy ... More

Alasdair Meldrum – Waste Matters

Our guest speaker this week was Alasdair Meldrum, a former Ayr Rotary member, managing director of Albion Environmental Ltd and a member of the Chartered Institute of Waste Management. He gave a very interesting talk covering many aspects of waste from how we use (or misuse) our wheely bins to the control (or lack of) of ... More

The Welbeck Project – Jim Smith

This week the club welcomed Jim Smith, retired fireman from Cumnock and the man behind the project to restore an original, Welbeck, steam-driven fire engine which had lain, almost forgotten, in bits in an Edinburgh basement. That was where Jim accepted the gift offer and the challenge of acquiring and restoring the engine ... More

Epilepsy Scotland by Lesslie Young

Lesslie joined Epilepsy Scotland’s training department in 2006 and was appointed Chief Executive in January 2009. Her passion for improving the life of people with epilepsy comes from personal experience. She has a daughter who has epilepsy and learning disabilities so she knows how a diagnosis of epilepsy impacts the ... More

Scott Prentice of Scotrail

Scott Prentice’s visit and presentation at Ayr Collage Westerly Restaurant on Tuesday 30th April surrounding the ‘History and Future of Scotrail’ was well received and enjoyed by all attending. Scott is Scotrail’s current Director of Strategic Planning, responsible for delivering: Timetables for Scotrail... More

Kyle Academy Youth Speaks

On Tuesday evening at the weekly meeting, Ayr Rotary Club members were mesmerized by three very talented young ladies with their very professional re-run delivery of their chosen topic. On Saturday the Kyle Academy team going forward to the ‘Youth Speaks - A Debate’ National Final in Norwich on 21 April is Emma Kay ... More

Global Sight Solutions

Global Sight Solutions is an avoidable blindness charity was registered with the charity commission back in the 1990s by members of Guildford Rotary Club, the aim being to work with Rotary Clubs in the developing world and together establish financially sustainable eye hospitals which can provide a full range of eye care, ... More