Heather Malloch – Mission Aviation Fellowship

We were delighted with a recent visit from Heather Malloch, who came to tell us all about an amazing global charity very few of us were even aware of. Heather has worked with Mission Aviation Fellowship for the past 7 years, 5 of those as Head of Aviation Mission Scotland with responsibility for cultivating and developing ... More

George Ballinger on the Kelpies

  The return of our guest speaker George Ballinger, to present his talk on the Design and Construction of the Kelpies, a sequel to his previous talk in February on the Millennium link canals and the Falkirk wheel. George is a Chartered Structural Engineer, having graduated from Strathclyde University in Structural ... More

Don Panama on his book An Immaculate Illusion

Our guest speaker on Tuesday evening was Don Panama accompanied by his wife Catherine, who delivered a brief presentation of his latest book ‘An Immaculate Illusion’, a historical fiction based very much on fact, in relation to a group involved in the creation, actions and fall of the Third Reich. Don was born in ... More

Scott Prentice of Scotrail

Scott Prentice’s visit and presentation at Ayr Collage Westerly Restaurant on Tuesday 30th April surrounding the ‘History and Future of Scotrail’ was well received and enjoyed by all attending. Scott is Scotrail’s current Director of Strategic Planning, responsible for delivering: Timetables for Scotrailâ... More

District Governor Narek Bido

Narek Bido, governor of Rotary's new District 1320, which covers the south of Scotland, spoke to members of Ayr and Alloway Rotary Clubs on Tuesday. Mr Bido spoke about the importance of boosting Rotary membership and developing the organisation's work on the international stage, and said it was important that regional ... More

The Millenium Link & Falkirk Wheel

The club met last week at Ayrshire College’s Westerly Hotel where staff and students provided us with an excellent meal and waited on us with admirable attention to detail. The club was joined for the evening by a large turnout of ladies from the Ayr Inner Wheel and our guest speaker was George Ballinger, a chartered ... More

Crosshouse Children’s Fund

  Our guest speaker last week was Rebekah McGinn, fundraising manager for the Crosshouse Children’s Fund, delivering care for the children of Ayrshire and Arran. In her excellently delivered presentation, Rebekah explained that the charity’s mission is to improve the experience of those children attending ... More

Burns Supper 23 January 2024

An excellent Burns Supper was held in the Horizon Hotel on Tuesday 23 January 2024. The haggis was piped in and addressed by Jimmy Begg in his usual flawless style. Gordon McKinlay, a past Captain and Past President of Prestwick St Nicholas Golf Club and well known in the local amateur operatic society, proposed the ... More

Phil McAnespie – Honey Bee Communication

T The club was buzzing on Tuesday evening when our guest speaker was Phil McAnespie. Phil, a locally well-known and respected beekeeper, and past-president of the Scottish Beekeepers Association (SBA), had previously talked to the club some years ago and had come along this time to explain to the members the amazing and ... More

District Membership Team Meeting

Report by Hazel McCully On 9th December, our district membership lead Doug Forsyth, came to Ayrshire to give an inspirational talk about Rotary and membership. All 9 clubs from Ayrshire had representatives who attended. Was great to see all Rotarians come together. More