New Young Rotarians Club at Belmont Academy

Four of Belmont Academy's senior pupils have worked with Ayr Rotary to form a new Club for young Rotarians - the Belmont Cluster Rotary Interact Club. Joint Presidents Sara Maskell and Matthew McColm, (middle) together with Secretary Julia Calliso and Treasurer Alex Maughan, got off to a flying start with a successful ... More

Donation to Ayrshire Coastal Path

Ayr Rotary have just donated £250 to help with Path development, specifically to buy two metal gates for a recent project at Drumshang. Along with two donations from local rambler groups, this extra money has allowed The Ayrshire Coastal Path to complete the important job of bridge replacement. The ... More

Newton Primary School Visit

At a recent visit to Newton Primary School, Ayr Rotary Club donated a £3000 cheque to their coffers which will be put to good use by helping the community at large More

Dalmilling Bikes Project

Ayr Rotary Delivers! On Wednesday morning, only a week after the first bike was delivered by Ayr Rotary to Dalmilling Primary School, a further 12 bikes were delivered by members of Ayr Rotary to the school. Incoming Community Service Convenor Paul Williams had described the project on local social media and had received ... More

Ayr Womens Hub

Ayr Rotary has been collecting toiletries etc for Ayr Womens Hub, as well as giving them a supply of LED bulbs to be given out when needed.  President Hazel has been gathering the toiletries in her “3 C’s Café” and the photo shows the ladies in the Hub with one of Hazel’s deliveries.  The Hub provides essential ... More

Inconvenience Store

Can you imagine how, if you and your family were struggling in this current economic situation, you would feel if you found a shop, stocking all your needs from sanitary products and soap to rice crispies, canned fruit and bakeries, that only asked you pay what you could afford for whatever quantity of shopping you had ... More

Stuart Lang from Poppy Scotland

We were privilaged to have Stuart Lang, Deputy Head of Fundraising for Poppy Scotland as our speaker on Tuesday evening. He spoke about the history of the poppy and its origins, explaining how Field Marshal Douglas Haig, the senior officer of the British Army during WW1, saw an old French woman selling poppies in 1921 ... More

Trump Turnberry Receives a High Tech Paul Harris Plaque

Ralph Porciani, General Manager of Trump Turnberry and Jessica Podolsky, Front House Manager accepts a framed Rotarian special Robert Burns/Paul Harris plaque from Ayr Rotary Community Services Convenor, John Ewing. Using the latest technology, downloaded Zapper App, it is possible to hear Paul Harris's 1933 radio ... More

Excellent Poppy Appeal Results

Thank you to all the good people of Ayr for another marvellous total of £29905 in the 2016 Poppy Appeal. The Rotary club of Ayr was approached by Poppy Scotland in 2010 because the Poppy Appeal in Ayr was in difficulty, the Area Organiser was leaving and the number of volunteers had fallen. Over the years the Rotary ... More

Ayrshire Hospice Cheque Presentation

  Lyn Bateman, Senior Fundraising Officer of the Ayrshire Hospice receives a cheque from President Harry Peters of Ayr Rotary. The monies were raised at the recently held Antiques Road Show in the Robert Burns Birthplace Museum, Alloway.   More