Carrick Centre, Maybole (CAN Project)
The Community Services committee nominated Carrick Centre, Maybole as their prime charitable project last year. It has been a tremendous success, and would not have been possible without the help form Ayr Rotary Club.
Coral McMillan, the manager at the Carrick Centre says:
“We have had a brilliant, busy summer with all of our projects at The Carrick Centre. Carrick CAN (Create and Nurture) has been a huge success and I am delighted to attach a report to tell you all about it!
We would love to keep the project going. As you can see from the report- we have certainly proven the need for this provision in our community. I wonder if The Rotary Club of Ayr would possibly consider funding a similar project in the near future?
We thank you again for your support…… we could not have helped these 9 youngsters without you.”
Read the full report from Coral Final End of Grant Report CAN