Bingo Bedlam – 4 August 2020
Nothing, not even a pandemic, stops the Rotarians of Ayr enjoying themselves! More than 40 Rotarians and friends recently joined in the first, and possibly last, Zoom bingo game. Hosted by Allan McWilliam and Bob “The Balls” Gibson, resplendent in his caller suit and bow tie, the grey matter was stretched to breaking point as four corners, lines, and full houses were eagerly sought! Noisy excitement reached an early fever pitch as Neil Beattie won 125gm of Parkhead Balls and shock was the order of the day when Alex Thomson won a prize that was actually worth winning!
The lucky prize winners were:
Game 1
Irene Dunlop (Fix!) A 125gm bag of Ibrox balls
Neil Beattie A 125gm bag of Parkhead balls
Allan McWilliam A bottle of wine and a 125gm pack of Granny Sookers
Game 2
June Gibson A pack of Rich Tea biscuits (eat your hearts out)
Willie Stewart TWO packs of Rich Tea biscuits! (getting better)
Ronnie Wilson A Bottle of Wine and a 125gm pack of Aniseed balls (yippee)
Game 3
Eileen Alexander A bottle of lime and mint cordial
Ronnie Wilson A bottle of lime and mint cordial
Charles Gray A bottle of lime and mint cordial
Alex Thomson A Bottle of malt whisky
Anyone who has not yet received their much-anticipated prize should probably not bother trying to contact the organisers. They’ve probably fled.
Members are now steeling themselves for a Zoom quiz on the 6th October. Anyone interested in testing themselves against South Ayrshire’s best (Who? – Editor) and enjoying Rotary fun and fellowship should get in touch via the club website contact button.