Ayrshire Charity Golf Day 2015
The Rotary Club of Ayr are holding their annual Ayrshire Charity Golf Day on Friday 8 May 2015. The event involves a team of four players (men or women) playing on Belleisle golf course. Coffee and bacon rolls before you start, a free beer tent at the end of the round followed in the evening with a Dinner Dance at Western House Hotel. The entry fee of £395 per team includes 8 people for the Dinner Dance. Stunning prizes can be won including a trip to London.
The main beneficiary this year is Clic Sargent, with many smaller local charities receiving funds, thanks to the generosity of the participants. This is a major charity golf day in Ayrshire, and one that has been well supported by local businesses year on year. Teams can be entered by businesses as a thank you to their staff or perhaps inviting customers along. Private teams are also welcome to enjoy a fine golfing day out and great socialising in the evening. Download an Annual Charity Golf Day 2015 Letter or call Craig Wilson on 07747 606964 .