Angie McPike – Ayrshire Women’s Hub – 2 March 2021

Founded in January 2018 by Angie McPike and Gabriella Baronello, AWH is an early stages community interest group. It operates from warm, friendly walk-in premises where, in normal times, women can go to socialise, learn and empower each other through free workshops, surgeries and classes. It is also a bridge to several other amazing third-sector groups including, for example, Unity Grill, Blue Triangle and Moving On.

Ayr Rotary has been a staunch supporter of the Hub and last week, Angie joined our virtual meeting to deliver another inspiring talk to the members.  In her usual enthusiastic and confident manner, she outlined the wide-range of activities in which the Hub is now involved and, in the process, dispelled some misconceptions: for instance, its much-needed support is not confined to women only. Over the period it has been operating, a great number of men have also benefited from the Hub’s range of professional expertise and experience within the social and community care sector. Angie herself has an impressive pedigree having come to the Hub from a background in helping women suffering domestic abuse. However, she was at pains to emphasise that it is committed teamwork, involving some dedicated and able individuals, which allows the Hub to realise its mission to make the maximum positive impact for the community.

Picking up on Neil Beattie’s introduction about a K-shaped recovery from the pandemic, i.e. one where individuals, organisations and businesses may take either the upward leg or the downward leg, she said the AWH is all too familiar with the effects of the downward leg and the desperate straits folk can find themselves in through no fault of their own. She professed her own great pride in the Hub’s achievements in delivering much-needed social care at a time when everyone is fighting for funds. Most of the Hub’s funding come from government sources but donations such as those from Rotary are much appreciated and go towards providing “direct aid” to those in immediate need, such as paying for food and energy supplies. Individual cash donations can be made via our own website and benevolent fund whilst practical donations such as the ever-in-demand toiletries and underwear can be dropped off at the Hub (visit for details).

Neil thanked Angie for all her “good sense” and remarked that she is the centre of a large web of local social care groups. Angie, in turn, thanked Ayr Rotary for its ongoing support.

(PS: This week’s lucky winner in the Inconvenience Store raffle for Unity Grill was Gavin McCully.)
