Treasure Chest – apply for up to £250 below

Performng arts award

Poppi received £250 to help advance her dream of a career in dancing. October 2022

Laura wins swimming medal

Laura Logan was part of GB team in Downs Syndrome Euro Swimming Champs in Sardinia


Unity Grill

A helping hand for this social enterprise company

Young Vics in the Community

Young Vics use £200 to buy football equipment for these young kids. This made a real difference to them

Alister Firth

102_2060Alister Firth completed a sky dive for the charity Ayrshire Sportsability


Street Pastors

street-pastorsThe pastors received money to help with expenses when patrolling Ayr streets

Could you qualify?

We have up to £250 every month to give away to local charities or individuals. We seek to help genuine applicants who would really benefit from this money.

Treasure Chest Application Form

Would £250 help your charity or your own individual project? Read on for details...

Our donations can make a real difference

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The rules are simple. Anyone can apply, but the preferred target beneficiaries are clubs and organisations working with children, teenagers, the elderly, vulnerable people and the disabled. Applications may also be made by individuals.