2022 Rotary & Ayrshire Coastal Path Beach Clean



The annual Big Beach Clean is now a joint venture between Rotary and Ayrshire Coastal Path. The Rotary clubs of Ayr, Prestwick and Alloway, together with the help of South and North Ayrshire Councils and numerous community groups, hope to be able to cover more than a dozen beaches in this year’s 14th Annual Beach Clean along the Ayrshire coast.
This is a family and friends day taking place on the morning of Saturday 26 March. Please put it in your diary now and help spruce up our beaches for the holiday months ahead. It is an opportunity to ensure that the Ayrshire coastline is at its sparkling best for locals and visitors alike.  Anyone can be involved – locally in Ayr, Prestwick or Girvan, or on the further-removed beaches where most debris tends to have accumulated as a result of the winter storms.
Keep following social media and watching the press for further details or contact Ron Ireland – ronireland@hotmail.co.uk
